1. Are you engaging your fans?
Effective marketing is about building
relationships with fans and customers, not about yelling out information in a
busy marketplace. Social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter allow us to
see how responsive and active we are with our customers.
A French telecommunications company
named Orange asked their followers to tweet summer plans with hashtag
#thissummer. The company was able to record the responses and generate traffic
which allowed the followers to identify with the company’s branding.
2. Are you adding value to the conversation?

3. Are you practicing the 20-to-1 rule?
The 20-to-1 rule means that you
have to make 20 relational posts for every 1 marketing posts. In order to be
successful, you need to be a giver instead of a taker. Companies need to be
generous with their fans, so when you do need something, your fans respond.
4. Are you monitoring feedback?
If you want to be effective, you
have to know what works and what doesn’t. A blogger with a large amount of
followers tweeted about a negative experience he had with U-Haul. In no time,
U-Haul lost thousands of dollars and long-term damage to their brand, solely
because the company didn’t understand how much power the consumer has in today’s
world. Creating an outpost where you can monitor what people are saying will allow
you to address the consumer’s concerns, receive immediate market feedback, and
show your customer’s you’re listening.
5. Are you engaging through your blog or website?
Most people believe you need a
website with flashy graphics and a fancy design in order to generate higher
traffic. However, this is not the case. Customers mainly want to feel like
someone cares and is listening, not so much about how appealing the site looks.
Try ending your blog with a question so readers feel like they can engage.
This blog post is excellent, probably because of how well the subject was developed. I like some of the comments too though I could prefer we all stay on the subject in order add value to the subject! Facebook ads